Celebrate Eid al-Fitr by doing the followings

By Jumia Travel Tanzania

As we approach the end of the holy month of Ramadan, have you thought on how you are going to celebrate Eid al-Fitr? I know most of you will never even bother to plan for it since you will be doing the same thing as usual.

Not everyone is creative and that's why Jumia Travel would like to have a look on the following ideas which in one way or another will be very helpful towards making your celebrations different and exciting.

Plan together with a family. Instead of planning the whole celebrations, it will be better if you seek for ideas from family members. Things you can discuss with family members are such as food menu, drinks, gifts, different venue to celebrate, guests to be invited and redecorating a house to mention a few. You won’t believe this will help to make each member of a family happy.   

Celebrate with family and neighbors. It will be wonderful to get an opportunity to celebrate together with all the family members or neighbors if possible. Regardless of your family size, try to share love and happiness of this holy festive with the people you care. If you think you will not be able to invite your neighbors in, at least prepare enough food or gifts and share with them.

Share a day with people in needs. Such occasions are sometimes utilized to remember those who are unprivileged like street children, orphans, sick people or prisoners. I am quite sure there must some of them around you. It must not spend whole two or three days of Eid al-Fitr, set aside some few hours or one day and spend time with them. Believe or not this could be the best thing you have ever done in the previous celebrations.

Tell children stories about the Prophet and how Eid al-Fitr was celebrated by Muslims of his days. This celebration could also be used to impact children with some skills regarding their faith. You can take a couple of minutes to tell some stories to them after having their lunch. Most of the time, in Tanzania, once children eat their lunch, mostly’ ‘pilau,’ they are given some money to spend on things they like.

Take a family trip. You and your family can decide to change the environment by taking a road trip. While on road you can take a couple of stops for food and prayers until you reach your destination.

Decorate your house. How about you and your family work together to redecorate your house ready for celebrations? Some of the things which you can work on are such as do a painting, change or polish the furniture, do decorations, do thorough cleanliness or even changing the arrangement of the things at the sitting room would stir cool whether for celebrations.

Dress to impress. Nowadays most of the adults do not consider to buy new clothes during holidays rather than shifting their focus to children. Sometimes it's because of higher prices in the shops but most of the times people ignore that custom. But believe or not, holidays are the best moments to treat your body very special. Apart from eating and drink lavishly also try to dress nicely.

Prepare gifts for family and friends. Apart from fasting during the whole holy month of Ramadan another good thing you can do is to give out to your beloved ones. You can think of any kind of gifts not necessarily expensive ones.

Hopefully, those ideas will be helpful to you and your family. The aim is to make sure you have exciting celebrations and it's not necessary to apply all of them, try which you think are applicable to you. Otherwise, Jumia Travel would like to wish you all the best in the coming Eid al-Fitr celebrations!
