Bozoma Saint John, Uber’s newly minted chief brand
officer, wants to take a brand with an ugly image — sexual harassment,
stolen trade secrets, profiteering off protests — and make it something
people love.
“There needs to be love there, some emotion connecting the user to the product. We’ve got to get people to be in love with the product.”
That won’t come as a campaign. “You have to show it,”
Saint John, formerly the head of global consumer marketing for Apple
Music and iTunes, said. “I don’t think you can in an ad.”
To Saint John, building a new brand image has to happen
in the background through human resources, changing company culture and
hiring women and people of color.
“There has to be more of us. Hire more women. The numbers
matter in this particular case,” Saint John said. “There’s no magical
Wizard of Oz that’s going to fix this for us.”
To the public, she wants to change the narrative to tell Uber’s other stories.
“It’s about storytelling, about upward mobility,
movement,” she said. “I want to see drivers who’ve changed their lives
because of this opportunity.”
To that end, Saint John plans to drive an Uber herself.
How would Saint John prevent issues like the #DeleteUber campaign, which hurt Uber’s business earlier this year when customers perceived the brand as taking advantage of a taxi strike?
“Sometimes it can be as simple as a statement. Uber has
made statements about things that as a company and a country we don’t
want to stand for.”
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