Do you know that you can earn money through your blog?

By Jumia Travel Tanzania

Have you ever asked yourself whether a day will come and your blog will turn into a money-maker? Probably this was not your purpose, you just started it because you love writing and you are in the field of journalism, so you wanted it to be part of your CV.

Everybody needs money and is working very hard to make sure earns it. Jumia Travel lists techniques that could make your blog earn you money.

Through CPC or CPM Ads
CPC/PPC Ads (Cost per click or pay per click) are kind of ads placed on content or sides of a blog. You will be paid every time a reader clicks on an ad. While CPM Ads (cost per 1,000 impressions ads) are kind of ads which will pay you a fixed amount of money according to how many times readers visited them on your website.
Popular advertising networks that one can join and benefit are such as Google AdSense, Chitika, Infolinks, and

Sell ads online
If you manage to attract traffic to your blog, advertisers will automatically approach you to advertise for them. Advantage of this one is that there are no middle men rather than you contacting advertisers directly and vice versa. Hence, be able to put your own rates for advertising.

Use your blog to advertise your products
It is very possible to use your blog as a platform to advertise your own business. Therefore, instead of using it to generate money, you can utilize it as a bridge to direct readers to your business website.

Use your blog to create credibility
For instance, you establish a banking blog and start attracting readers and it becomes popular. Sooner or later you become popular in that sector and people start reaching out to you to co-author in books, paying you to speak in conferences and conduct training for employees.

THINGS TO NOTE: For your blog to start earning you some money, time and persistence must be well invested. Hence, before you establish a blog, you must put the following things into consideration:

Create quality content
Your blog will not starting to make money if people do not read it. Because they are the ones who will be bringing more money to you through clicking on ads or purchase your products. Therefore, you have no way other than generating interesting content for your readers.

Don’t spend too much time on your blog
In a journey of building a successful blog you must establish mutual beneficial relationships with other stakeholders. People like sponsors, affiliate marketers as well as fellow bloggers who help in generating traffic for your blog are very important to engage yourself with.

Don’t be afraid to try
Not all the above techniques could be effective in making money for you. Do not be afraid to change if your current focus does not appeal to you or your readers.

All in all, hard work and persistence are the things you need in order for your blog to become a source of income. Jumia Travel would like to encourage you to start now as it will pay-off in the long run. Most importantly, remember that not all the ways mentioned above are going to work for you, observe what others are doing and start!
